How to do it

Step one:
Choose the flyers that you like the most.

Step two:
Start filling out the form.

There you can place who presents the party or you can leave them blank.

Main Title:
There you are going to put the name of your event example: ladies Night out or any name you want all the flyers change the main title.

There you are going to put the date of the event if it does not have a date just leave it blank.

Main dj or Artist:
There you are going to put the name and put the photo of the main dj or the artist. next to that field there is a small icon with the + sign there you can continue with the following djs it allows you 4 photos in total. (Note: the photos can be in jpg or png whatever and we fix it and put it in the correct way.).

Information Here:
There you are going to put the information of your event example: free admission, bottle specials until 11pm. Whatever you want to put on your event.

Host by:
There you are going to put who is the host of your event, it allows you 3 hosts each with their photo. Likewise, in the + sign that is on the right it will allow you to add the others if you do not want a host you can leave it blank. (Note: the photos can be in jpg or png whatever and we fix it and put it in the correct way.).

Address and Telephone Number:
There you are going to put the address and the telephone number and we will organize it. If you do not want to put an address you can leave it blank.

Venue Logo:
There you are going to upload the logo of the club it can be jpg or png we put it in the correct way. If it does not have a logo, click on the no option and you can write it.

Promoter Logo:
You are going to upload the promoter's logo, it can be in jpg or png, we put it in the correct way. If you don't have a logo, click on the no option and you can write it.

Change theme Color:
There you can change the theme color of the flyers for only 1.99 you can choose the color you like.

Step 3:

Select Turnaround Time:
You can select when you want your flyers back. 24 hours is free, 5 hours for 4.99.

Step 4:

There you are going to put your email where the flyers will be sent when it is ready. Make sure you write it correctly.

Note for the Designer:
there you will be able to tell the designer what you want example: add a plate of wings, add a piano, put the name of the dj in blue, Whatever you want to tell him here in this field you can tell our experts.

(Note: Verify that the email is correct, the flyer will be sent here.)